Here are the best branding hacks for your event displays

There is no denying it:

Using the trade show circuit to promote your product or service might help you gain new loyal clients. Attendees are also more likely to suggest your brand to colleagues, friends, and family members because of the unique chance for prospects to connect face-to-face with you at trade exhibitions.

It can be challenging to get started with your first convention or trade fair. To stand out among the diverse group of like-minded business owners at the convention, you must devise a strategy that will help you represent your company effectively.

Precisely knowing how to prepare for, set up for, and interact at trade events can be the difference between wasting money and having a successful event presence targeted towards creating a long-lasting branding image.

It’s perplexing at times. What do you do to be a successful trade show? Do you want to raise brand recognition by exhibiting? Would you like to make a big splash with your new product or service? Or, like the majority of businesses, do you want to gain fresh leads that will lead to sales? One thing is certain: trade exhibitions are serious business! A recent survey revealed that 46% of senior decision-makers make purchasing decisions while visiting a trade fair.

Face-to-face events still pay off in today’s digital environment.

The key for exhibitors is to make their booth stand out amid a sea of other exhibits to make a good first impression. The good news is that creating a display that people remember isn’t rocket science.

Keep your booth in perfect condition

Regularly inspect your exhibit. Replace any light bulbs that emphasize your merchandise or signage that have burned out. Make sure your graphics are bright and current in terms of your brand and color scheme. Even if it involves acquiring or renting a new exhibit, every part of the booth’s appearance should be attended to appear updated and fresh.

Take out the garbage for recycling during the show. Take pride in the aesthetics of your booth so that visitors can see that you are proud of your company as well!

Your messaging and signage must be clear and concise

Your company’s logo should be simple, straightforward, clutter-free, and consistent. Although this appears to be a simple notion, we’ve seen booths where the brand name is difficult to discern. Attendees should not be forced to guess which booth they are looking at! Ensure that your display signage is a haven of clarity and simplicity and that it can be read from a distance of long, medium, and close. People should easily read and grasp your company’s main messaging, so they don’t lose interest and leave.

Products should also be well-organized and prominently displayed.

The Food’s Brand

What’s the point of branding the food? Lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities may be the draws for attendees, but food will make or break the event.  You will please their entire perception if you satisfy their stomach. Consider the following unique food branding ideas:

Fortune cookies with your logo imprinted on the back of the paper fortunes Gelatin cups Topped with your logo jelly Fortune cookies with your logo imprinted on the back of the paper fortunes

With a toothpick flag placed on the Lollipops with the logo engraved into the hard candy’s surface, Due to the attractiveness element alone, guests may keep these or share them on Instagram.

Interactive Kiosks

Kiosk rentals and customization can be expensive. Even so, if you can afford it, it’s definitely worth it. Include a game or interactive element that is relevant to your brand. The participant will receive a coupon for promotional goods if they complete the course successfully.

Digital Graffiti Wall

Attendees may draw on a big screen using special software and an infrared spray, providing an interactive experience with the added benefit of displaying branding.

You may also utilize digital graffiti walls in conjunction with a photo booth to add some artwork to your photograph. A fantastic approach to get your company’s brand in front of a larger audience! Instant upload is offered, much like with the photo booth, so that guests’ finished artwork can be displayed on Facebook right away.

Design of the set and stage

By incorporating your event brand into the set and stage design, you’ll create a subconscious association that will elicit good thoughts toward your organization whenever that brand is recalled or recognized. Consider merging your circle event branding into a round stage design, which gives a more inclusive, informal vibe.

You should also consider branding your event if your event has multiple rooms, zones, and breakout areas so that attendees can easily find their way around. Think about how you can incorporate branding elements into the layout of your event venues.

Color Palette

Your event color scheme most likely matches your logo or corporate brand colors in some way. This isn’t the time to stray from your brand’s color pallet and try a crazy fuchsia and neon yellow combo (unless those happen to be your company colors).

Keeping your website colors the same as your corporate colors or in the same theme will help your website stand out.


Swag bags are the best!

Participants should take-home gifts that represent the brand of the event and the brand values of the hosting company. Don’t settle for plastic promotional goods like pens and toys that are bad for the environment. Rather than choosing products randomly, consider the brand messaging and tone of the event, and select items that delegates will remember why they enjoyed the event so much.

Consider serving calming herbal teas for delegates to sip while thinking about your brand if the tone is laid back and the message is motivational, for example.

Consider a branded’ morning after’ wellness kit if the tone of your event is heated and the messaging is motivating. Your delegates will appreciate it.

Final Thoughts

Finding fresh and exciting ways to present trademarks at events that genuinely inspire participants is becoming quite challenging for the time-crunched event manager. With the innovative ideas and creative thinking of people in the event sector, there are always fresh ideas to be found. Using different ways to exhibit a logo – such as through entertainment, food, or technology – will inspire your visitors and generate a lot of buzz and conversation at your next event. A unique concept also has the benefit of encouraging guests to use social media to promote your event to a larger audience (with logos included!).